Tuesday, June 23, 2009

blog about my lack of blogs.

i love blogging. but lately i have been slacking. liz told me i needed to blog. so here it goes.

i used to go through life thinking "oh this would make a perfect blog" and then i would get home and type it out. maybe include a picture or two. add a few links and call it a day.

and now i just don't have those thoughts. if something particularly noteworthy happens throughout the day i will just twitter about it. and then i get home and look at my blog and know that i want to post something but then i just don't have anything new to share. especially considering the fact that most of you who read this also follow me on twitter.

so i am going to try to recap the summer so far:
movies, quelf, friends, jr high, adventures, watchers, sleep-overs, bbqs, beach, disneyland, secrets, parties, nocturnal, art, music, family, nail polish, building, cleaning, change, catching up, guitar hero, how i met your mother, gossip girl, up!, derassi, say yes to the dress, lemonade, sunshine, wii, good byes, isp send offs, los angeles, and new friends.

things i am looking forward to:
chicago for my birthday!
summer camp!


Liz said...

oh twitter! ruining the excitement of blogging!

haha, tumblr is like the cross between twitter and blogging. it would suit you...maybe. i tried it for a sec, but i don't like it.

Cinders said...

PLEASE! blog! especially about your bday trip!!! -cs