Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the thrill of a child.

i hate fireworks.
i think they are so overrated.
i think they are wasteful.
random explosions in the sky. totally unsynchronized. no overall scheme. just pure chaos.

and then last night i watched the disneyland fireworks for the first time ever. and it was magical. and i take everything back.


GinnyBerry said...

Yeh, I like the fireworks at the Big D too. I used to love the ones at Lake Gregory. They did them to music. But no more. Too dangerous. Things change!

Liz said...

hahaha you crack me up!

TheAlmondTreeGrl said...

oh rachel... i miss you so much. you and Janai. *sigh*

GinnyBerry said...

You've been tagged!
Aunt Ginny
Blackberry Blessings

Becca said...

When I read this first part, I freaked and I was thinking "She has NOT seen the Disneyland fireworks." And then it turns out, those were your thoughts previous to Dland. I'm proud. haha.