Friday, February 6, 2009

another post about hair.

 i blog about my hair more than a normal person should. 

but im not normal.
and lately i have really been missing my long waves. 
but at least now toys won't blow into my hair on windy days. 
i think im just going to grow dreadlocks. 


Jillian, Riverside said...

even with your hair short, i still accidentally tie it into my ponytail. that really happened. awesome.

Josiah said...

im going to grow dreads too.. i have to wait for it too get longer though.. but we both can grow them.. haaha

Chelsea said...

i really miss my long hair too :(

Eric McFarland said...

dreadlocks are awesome.... just do it

Amy C. said...

Looking at this picture, and reading this post gave me a flashback to some kids that I used to babysit fairly regularly. On one of the days, the two little boys took their whole set of plastic/rubber bugs, and made my hair into a nest for them... good times.

So thanks for sending me on a walk down memory lane.