Tuesday, December 23, 2008

naming things.

i want to blog but i have nothing that i really want to share with the entire interweb.

its been an interesting break.

so i am pretty obsessive about how my music in my itunes library is organized.

i have a heck of a lot of music. 5257 songs worth.
so that's a lot of items to organize.

and i like to make playlists too.
becuase sometimes i am just in to mood for some chillaxing or happy happy joy joy and other times i just want to release my inner gangster and listen to some bangin' music.
then we have the disney jams, disney classics, and listen to this while you drink coffee.

i have all the music we listened to in the car in louisiana (louisiana car rides) in another playlist. and i have the gospel songs we sang at church in louisiana (halel la la luia) in another playlist.

there are a few others but those are the most frequentally played play lists. oh i left out the Lets be hardcore and shake our heads playlist.

and if you couldnt tell... i also enjoy naming these playlists.
actually, i enjoy naming lots of things.

so if you like have a baby, or anyhting else that needs naming... im your girl.


GinnyBerry said...

I have to start a playlist.... you have good ideas about naming things......

Team Indonesia said...

burn it for me?
my christmas present?

Liz said...

i think you publish these itunes playlists! =]

Josiah said...

might as well burn one for me too..

it would be like a walk down memory lane listening to it again..
(depending on which ones though)

rachel said...

so the playlists just have the songs from my computer, so i don't have the ones ben and alisha made.

but i will burn copies.